To keep you top of mind with your most valuable relationship: real estate agents.

Property Website

About ListReports Elite

ListReports Elite combines cutting-edge technology with extremely high design to deliver marketing products that vastly improve the process of buying or selling a home.

From mobile-friendly Dashboards to beautiful property marketing and analytics, ListReports Elite is a quick, convenient way to manage your agent relationships and build new ones!


Every ListReport includes

Open House, Just Listed, Just Sold flyers

Open House, Just Listed, Just Sold flyers

Just Listed & Recently Sold text alerts

Just Listed & Recently Sold text alerts

Mobile-friendly single property websites

Mobile-friendly single property websites

Engaging area infographics

Engaging area infographics

Property reports & listing presentations

Property reports & listing presentations

Reusable sign riders

Reusable sign riders

...and more!

How it works

Request a ListReport from your mobile-friendly Elite Dashboard and we'll do all the work. In addition to building relationships with agents, you get leads and exposure to buyers. You'll also get valuable insights into agent activity.

Ready to sign up?


ListReports Elite is offered to Wallick & Volk Mortgage loan officers
for a discounted rate of $125/month.